Azzurri Collectibles

Alfa Romeo Gran Turismo

If you’ve never owned an Alfa Romeo, then you’re not a true petrolhead, right? Alfa Romeo has always emphasized handling performance and rich driving enjoyment, attracting numerous car enthusiasts. With its unwavering commitment to a sports car style, it stands out as a distinctive brand in the global automotive market. The iconic station wagons, sedans, and hatchbacks are already impressive, but the elegantly designed coupe is what every car fan truly desires. For example, the Alfa Romeo Gran Turismo (more commonly known as the GT).


The Alfa Romeo GT is a true Gran Turismo sports coupe. It inherits the classic essence of Alfa Romeo's passionate and sensual design, featuring excellent handling and spaciousness, showcasing a charming, unique Italian coupe style. The sporty body lines, combined with superb racing engineering and delightful driving characteristics, make it an aspirational collectible car. Especially this model, equipped with the renowned Busso V6 engine and classic Alfa Red along with exclusive 18-inch wheels.


The history of the Alfa Romeo GT began at the 2003 Geneva Motor Show, where Alfa Romeo introduced a brand-new coupe. This car, based on the 147 and 156, was developed in collaboration with the top Italian car design studio, Bertone Design Studio, and Alfa Romeo's Centro Stile in Milan. They designed a sleek body, giving the GT a more muscular and stylish appearance. The small side windows, high rear lights, and flat tail lights make the GT appear wider than it actually is. This is a classic example of a sporty coupe. The front features the legendary design cues of the 147 GTA, along with a unique front bumper and wider fenders. Under Bertone's design, the two-door Alfa Romeo GT was given a more distinctive look.


The GT is a
two-door coupe derived from the chassis of the 147 GTA and 156 GTA, naturally possessing sports car advantages. It features a double wishbone front suspension and MacPherson strut rear suspension layout, with modifications to the springs, dampers, and anti-roll bar settings. The overall handling and body roll suppression are quite superior, balancing comfort and control. The Alfa GT 3.2 V6's powerful braking system utilizes 330 mm front ventilated discs and 276 mm rear ventilated discs, providing strong, fade-free braking power. The Alfa GT offers a highly direct, lively, and responsive speed-sensitive power steering system, with a steering wheel that only requires 2.2 turns from lock to lock, allowing for easy cornering without excessive steering input.


To meet the expectations set by the name "Gran Turismo," Alfa Romeo decided to equip the "top version" with the 3.2-liter Busso V6 engine from the
147 GTA, producing 240 horsepower and 300 Nm of torque. With a six-speed manual transmission, it accelerates to 100 km/h in just 6.7 seconds. The naturally aspirated Busso V6 "gets stronger the more you push it," reaching a
top speed of 243 km/h. No modern car can match the stunning sound of the Busso V6 engine. When you push the engine into the red zone, you get a massive roar that truly embodies the sports car style, immersing you in the high-frequency exhaust sound. However, during everyday driving, the engine maintains a composed demeanor, sounding ready to unleash power. If the exterior isn't the most eye-catching, the Busso V6 certainly is. (Giuseppe Busso is the designer of the "Busso V6" engine. He served as Ferrari's technical director and was one of the founding figures of Ferrari. He also developed Ferrari's 1.5-liter V12 racing engine.)


This GT 3.2 V6 is an official unit in Hong Kong. It has been in Hong Kong since 2008. In 2024, it underwent some wear-and-tear replacements and computer diagnostics at Alfa Romeo dealer in Hong Kong - Azzurri Multi-Brand Service Centre. The odometer shows less than 66,000 kilometers. Aside from some signs of age, this car is still in good condition. It comes with a folder containing a detailed maintenance history record.

如果您從未擁有過Alfa Romeo,那麼您就不是真正的petrol-head,對吧?Alfa Romeo向來強調操控性能及豐富駕駛樂趣,吸引著眾多的車迷,也因為始終堅持的跑車風格,所以在全球汽車市場中,算是相當有個性的品牌。當中標誌性的旅行車、轎車或掀背車已經很不錯了,但線條優美的轎跑車應該是每個車迷正想要的愛驅。例如,Alfa Romeo Gran Turismo(更廣為人知的名稱是 GT)。


Alfa Romeo GT 是一款真正的 Gran Turismo 運動雙門轎跑車。她繼承了經典Alfa Romeo 熱情性感的精髓,並具有優異的操控性能及寬敞的空間,展現出迷人獨特的意式轎跑風格。跑車化的車身線條,結合精湛的賽車工程技術和令人愉悅的駕駛特性使其成為一款令人嚮往的收藏車。尤其是這部,因為它配備了著名的 Busso V6引擎,並採用經典的Alfa
Red和 3.2 V6專屬18吋車輪。


Alfa Romeo GT的歷史始於
2003 年日內瓦車展,當時Alfa Romeo推出了一款全新轎跑車。這輛車以 147 和 156 為基礎,由頂尖意大利汽車設計工作室 Bertone Design Studio 與位於米蘭的Alfa Romeo Centro Stile 攜手打造 。 他們設計了輪廓優美的車身,為GT提供了更富運動感的肌肉線條和時尚的外觀。小側窗、高後尾燈和扁平尾燈使GT看起來比實際更寬。這就是一部運動型轎跑車的典範。車頭有著傳奇的 147 GTA神緒,同時亦有獨特的前保險桿和更寬的擋泥板。在Bertone筆下,兩門Alfa
Romeo GT被賦予了更具個性的外觀。


GTA 和156 GTA車系底盤所衍生出來的雙門跑車,先天有著跑車化的優勢。採用雙橫臂前懸吊和麥花臣支柱後懸吊佈局,並對彈簧、阻尼器和防傾桿設定進行了修改。整體的操控及抑制車身側傾的效果相當優越,兼顧了舒適及操控。 Alfa GT 3.2 V6強大的煞車系統採用 330 毫米前通風碟盤和
276 毫米後通風碟盤,提供強大、無衰減的煞車力道。 Alfa GT 提供高度直接、活潑且反應靈敏的速度敏感動力輔助轉向系統,軚盤左右死點僅有2.2圈,在殺彎時軚盤角度不必太大即可輕鬆入彎。


為了不辜負 Gran Turismo 這個名字所引起的期望,Alfa Romeo決定為“頂級版”提供來自147 GTA 的 3.2 升 Busso V6引擎,功率為
240 馬力,扭矩為 300 牛頓米。加上六速手排配置,性能卓越,衝刺到 100 公里只需
6.7 秒。採自然吸氣的Busso V6會「越踩越有」,直到
243 公里/小時。當今的汽車當然無法與 Busso V6 令人驚艷的引擎聲浪相媲美。如果你將引擎轉速提高到紅區,你會得到巨大的轟鳴聲,真的不失跑車風格,使人完全陶醉在高頻的排氣聲浪中。但在日常駕駛時,引擎聲會「沉住氣」,聽起來有蓄勢待發的感覺。如果外觀不是最引人注目,那麼Busso V6就肯定是。(Giuseppe
Busso 就是「Busso V6」引擎的設計師。他曾任Ferrari的技術總監,是Ferrari 的建廠功臣之一。Ferrari的1.5升 V12賽車引擎也是由他開發。)


這部GT 3.2 V6 是香港代理行貨。自
2008 年以來一直駐留在香港使用。2024年於Alfa
Romeo香港代理 - 意鋰駿汽車多品牌售後服務中心更換部分損耗品及進行電腦診斷。目前里程表上還不到66,000公里。除了一些歲月痕跡外,這輛車仍然處於良好狀態。該車附帶一個文件夾,其中包含有詳細記錄的維護歷史記錄。

Alfa Romeo Gran Turismo (GT)


Manufacture Year 2008
Displacement 3,179 cc
Engine Type V6 Busso Engine /td>
Type of Drive Front-wheel drive
Max. Output 240 hp
Max. Torque 300 Nm
Top Speed 243 km/h
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in 6.7s
Transmission 6-speed manual transmission
Type Gran Turismo sports coupe
Mileage 65,918km
Selling Price HK$98,000